Monday, February 1, 2010

"It's the inner pictures you have of yourself that paint your destiny!"

When you ponder on negative thoughts, you're developing inner feelings and pictures of hopelessness and despair. Despair will result in an inner image of failure, poverty, disease and sickness. It is actually the very opposite of hope and faith. These inner images, whether they are of hope or of despair, become the blueprint of your faith… or your fears. This blueprint will ultimately control your destiny in life.

So, whatever you do, don't give up! Just dig deep, I mean DEEP, into the Word of God to start building your hope! Start to develop and see the inner image God has of you, not what the devil has being lying to you about! Change those inner feelings of distress and despair with the Word of God, and no demon in hell will be able to throw those negative inner images at you again!

It's the inner pictures you have of yourself that paint your destiny! The Word of God, when you dig deep in it, will begin to paint new and beautiful pictures of who you are and what you can do.

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he… PROVERBS 23:7

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