Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Positive Live

A forwarded message:

Did you know that at Harvard,  one of the most prestigious universities in the world _ the most popular and successful course teaches you how to learn to be happier?

The *Positive Psychology class* taught by Ben Shahar attracts 1400 students per semester and 20% of Harvard graduates take this elective course. According to Ben Shahar, the class - which focuses on happiness, self-esteem and motivation - gives students the tools to succeed and face life with more joy. This 45-year-old teacher, considered by some to be "the happiness guru", highlights in his class 15 key tips for improving the quality of our personal status and contributing to a positive life:

🚩Tip 1. *Thank God for everything you have:* Write down 10 things you have in your life that give you happiness. Focus on the good things!

🚩Tip 2. *Practice physical activity*: Experts say exercising helps improve mood. 30 minutes of exercise is the best antidote against sadness and stress.

🚩Tip 3. *Breakfast:* Some people miss breakfast for lack of time or not to get fat. Studies show that breakfast gives you energy, helps you think and perform your activities successfully.

🚩Tip 4. *Assertive*: Ask what you want and say what you think. Being assertive helps improve your self-esteem. Being left and remaining silent creates sadness and hopelessness.

🚩Tip 5. *Spend your money on experiences*: A study found that 75% of people felt happier when they invested their money in travel, courses and classes; While only the rest said they felt happier when buying things.

🚩Tip 6. *Face your challenges*: Studies show that the more you postpone something, the more anxiety and tension you generate. Write short weekly lists of tasks and complete them.

🚩Tip 7. *Put everywhere nice memories, phrases and photos of your loved ones*: Fill your fridge, your computer, your desk, your room, YOUR LIFE of beautiful memories.

🚩Tip 8. *Always greet and be nice to other people*: More than 100 inquiries state that just smiling changes the mood.

🚩Tip 9. *Wear comfortable shoes*: If your feet hurt you, you become moody, says Dr. Keinth Wapner, President of the American Orthopedics Association.

🚩Tip 10. *Take care of your posture*: Walk straight with your shoulders slightly backwards and the front view helps to maintain a good mood.

🚩Tip 11. *Listen to music* (Praise God): It is proven that listening to music awakens you to sing, this will make your life happy.

🚩Tip 12. *What you eat has an impact on your mood*:- Do not skip meals, eat lightly every 3 to 4 hours and keep glucose levels stable.- Avoid excess white flour and sugar.- Eat everything! Healthy- Vary your food.

🚩Tip 13. *Take care of yourself and feel attractive*:70% of people say they feel happier when they think they look good.

🚩Tip 14. *Fervently believe in God*: With him nothing is impossible!

🚩 Tip 15 *Develop a good sense of humour.* Learn to laugh off matters, specially when things don't go right for you.

Happiness is like a remote control, we lose it every time, we go crazy looking for it and many times without knowing it, we are sitting on top of it ...

Have an unconditionally happy life !  God bless you! 🙏🌹

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Believe and Receive

Believe and Receive


Did you know that everything God has promised in His Word has already been done? The only thing we have to do is believe and receive what rightfully belongs to us by faith. People of faith always have a good report because they are constantly walking by what the Word says and not by what their five physical senses are telling them. To live the life of faith means to live in full assurance of the finished work of Christ.

There are three ingredients of faith: belief, trust, and confidence. Mark 11:24 says, “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Anything that can be found in the Word has already been granted to you; however, you must believe that you will get it. You can’t say you are believing something and you are not trusting. Trust is maintaining a committed stance on what God has said. When you trust in something, you have full confidence in it.

A great illustration of confidence that is born out of trust is to think about when you sit in a chair. You trust that a chair is going to be able to hold your weight, and, therefore, you are confident that if you sit in it you will be secure. Most people have no questions when it comes to believing in a chair’s ability to support them. However, when it comes to God and the things He has promised us, people tend to lack absolute confidence. The way to build it up is to meditate on the Word of God and think about all the things He has already done. Has He ever let you down or failed to come through for you? Think about the many situations you have been in where God showed Himself strong on your behalf. You can trust in Him as your source of all things.

Laying hold of the promises of God means adopting an ownership mentality. This is not a mentality that is waiting for God to do something, but is one that knows what already belongs to you. The person with an ownership mentality says, “I OWN healing, deliverance, abundance, and prosperity. These things are mine!” We actually get the promises to manifest in this physical realm by releasing our faith in the grace of God that is available to bring them out of the spiritual realm and into the natural.Ephesians 2:8 says, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” It is through God’s grace that each of the promises are at your disposal.

It’s hard to have faith when you don’t have understanding of the Word of God, which is why it is important to attend a church that is actually teaching you how to live by faith. Traditional, religious mind-sets convince you that you have to try to get God to do something, but the truth is, He has already done it. Instead of praying to God to heal you, declare and admit that healing exists inside of you right now. Healing isn’t being made in some healing factory; it is already in existence! Declare that you have faith in the grace of God versus faith in your own ability to get God to move.

No matter what you are going through, or what your five physical senses are telling you, don’t allow your life to be led by your sensory mechanisms. Facts can change on a daily basis, but the truth of God’s Word never changes. It has the power to change and rearrange the facts. All God is looking for is someone who will believe and receive what He has already done.


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Friday, September 13, 2019

Mengenang Habibie


Kedua tokoh kita ini pernah sama sama kuliah di Jerman. Meski berbeda agama, ras dan asal usul,  perbedaan ini menjadi rahmat yang memperkaya kemanusiaan dan keindonesiaan. Kedua tokoh ini sudah wafat. Semoga sepenggal kisah ini bisa jadi inspirasi bagi kita untuk merawat persaudaran dan keindonesiaan.


Rudy, panggilan akrab Habibie  cukup penasaran kenapa laki-laki itu bisa berkhotbah di depan, padahal dia anak baru. Bagaimana bisa orang Indonesia disuruh memimpin ibadah untuk umat di Jerman?

Romo Mangun tersenyum saja melihat Rudy shalat di pojok belakang gereja. Biasanya Rudy menunggu sepi untuk shalat di gereja. Namun, karena hatinya sangat kacau pada saat itu, dia masuk saja walau sedang ada misa. Selesai ibadah, Romo Mangun menemui Rudy di belakang gereja.

"Lho, Mas Romo. Kok, kamu tadi di depan dan sekarang di sini?"
Romo Mangun hanya tertawa. "Ada juga saya yang bertanya, Rud. Mengapa kamu shalat di sini?"
"Sebelum Mas Romo ke sini, saya juga sudah sering shalat di sini. Aku menumpang saja, Mas. Aku butuh kedamaian Allah. Di sini, kan, tak ada masjid," jelas Rudy.
"Rudy ... Rudy ... Seandainya satu dunia ini sepertimu," Romo Mangun tersenyum.
"Seperti saya? Tukang ngotot maksudnya?"
"Bukan, tetapi orang yang selalu yakin kalau Tuhan adalah yang Maha Pengasih. Apa yang dibuatNya, segala cobaanNya, segala perbedaan di bumi, adalah bentuk cintaNya," jawab Romo Mangun. "Senang sekali melihat kamu nyaman berdoa di gereja dengan caramu sendiri. Ini justru bukti keimananmu tak mudah goyah, Rud."

Rudy terdiam. Dia menatap Romo sambil tersenyum, "Ah, Mas Romo ini bijak sekali, seperti pastor saja."
"Lho, selama ini kamu memanggil saya Romo, kan? Kok kaget kalau saya pastor?"
"Nama Mas itu 'Rama' kan? Romo?"
"Bukan! Saya ini 'romo' alias 'pastor'! Nama saya Y.B. Mangunwijaya. Romo itu panggilan untuk pastor dalam bahasa Jawa." Romo Mangun tertawa.
"Oooh, saya pikir 'Romo' itu panggilan 'Rama' dalam bahasa Jawa!"
... ... ...
("Rudy, Kisah Masa Muda Sang Visioner", Gina S. Noer)


Oleh Wiyono , Mantan Romo Jesuit

Kenanganku kembali ke beberapa tahun berlalu saat kami ikut mempersiapkan pemakaman almarhum Romo Mangun Wijaya Pr sejak di Rumah Sakit  Carolus sebelum dibawa ke Jogya.

Saat jenasah alm kami semayamkan di gereja Katedral, saya selalu di dekat peti jenasah dan masih ingat ada pelayat a.l. Alm.Gus Dur dan tiba2 ada banyak pampampres dan datanglah Presiden BJ.Habibie...dan saya berdiri disampingnya bersama Kardinal Darmaatmaja...

Di samping peti jenasah  Romo  Mangun, Habibie berbisik ke saya "Apakah boleh saya berdoa dengan cara saya, alm adalah sahabat saya". Saya jawab "Silahkan Bapak". Lalu beliau mengangkat tangan dan khusuk  berdoa.

Lalu beliau pamit  Kardinal dan diantar ke gerbang Katedral. Sebelum masuk mobil  ajudannya mendekati saya "Bapak bertanya jenasah akan dibawa ke Jogya naik apa?" Saya jawab "Pesawat reguler pak".

Lalu kita misa dan Romo Mudji Sutrisno mimpin misa konselebrasi dan minta saya jadi dirigen.....

Esok harinya ada misa requiem dan saya dicari romo Padmo SJ. Saya diminta menghantar jenasah romo Mangun naik Hercules ke Jogya...Ha h?.ternyata  Habibie mengirim pesawat hercules untuk sahabatnya. Luar biasa...

Saya ingat dalam pesawat hercules,  saya ajak istriku ketemu di Halim lalu saya ajak dua  suster Carolus ikut. Nah dalam pesawat itu jenasah kami hantar. Saya dan istri, bersama Romo Agus Pr dan romo Sumantoro pr. Ada Tony Widiastono (wartawan Kompas),  dua  suster  dan satu wartawan Mingguan HIDUP dan beberapa keluarga Romo Mangun.

Singkat cerita waktu mau mendarat  di Jogya, saya  duduk bersama crew di cockpit. Terrlihat di apron,  nampak  penyambutan militer. Setelah mendarat, sebelum pintu blakang dibuka, kita " rapat singkat". Romo Sumantoro yang menyerahkan. Romo Agus yang bawa map isi surat kematian. Istriku bawa foto alm dan Tony bawa bunga salib. Saya di belakang romo Mantoro jadi "pembisik" beliau,waktu menyerahkan jenasah...

Setelah disemayamkan di Gereja Kidul Loji, saya, istri, dua  suster kembali ke Hercules dan terbang kembali ke Jakarta.....

Suatu kenangan penuh syukur bagaimana persahabatan tanpa memandang derajat, agama dan posisi telah ditunjukkan Habibie kepada sahabatnya Romo Mangun,  yang pernah jadi sesama mahasiswa di Jerman.

Terbayang saat menulis ini, bisikan pak Habibie ingin berdoa dan kedua tangannya menadah ke atas dan berdoa dan disampingnya Kardinal mendampingi dalam doa.

Selamat jalan Bapak Habibie menuju keabadian berjumpa dengan istri terkasih. Semoga arwahnya diterima disisiNya.

Dulu saya mimpi kapan bisa naik Hercules. Ternyata saya telah merasakannya.....Tuhan selalu mengatur indah pada waktunya.

Berkah dalem..

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Hubungan Kakak Adik

Hubungan persaudaraan yang sebenarnya adalah ketika saudaramu sdh sama2 berumah tangga.....

Akankah hubungan itu masih sama ketika masa kecil dahulu...ketika bertengkar kemudian bermain bersama lagi.....

Ketika ada yg mengganggumu...kemudian kau panggil kakakmu....lalu dg badannya yg lebih besar dia membelamu Krn kau adalah adiknya....

Atau ketika kau membela adikmu yg memang bersalah.....demi sebuah kata Krn dia adikku.

Ketika makanan yang dihidangkan ibumu....dibagi bersama saudaramu.Satu makan tempe maka semua tempe....tak ada yg dipilih kasih...satu makan telor maka dibagilah telornya jika hanya satu butir.

Atau ketika bpkmu pergi kondangan dan membawa....satu tempat makanan....pasti berebut makanan kesukaan....tapi ujung2x....makan bersama dalam satu wadah.

Ah.....betapa akan sangat dirindukan hal2 seperti itu.

Akankah moment kebersamaan itu masih ada ketika kalian sdh berumah tangga???.

Ketika satu menjadi kaya yg lain hanya biasa saja.....
ketika satu menjadi org terhormat sementara yg lain hanya jd rakyat biasa....atau ketika yg satu telah menjadi sangatlah alim....tapi yg lain masih mencari jati diri....belum dibukakan hidayah....

Maka selayaknya....saudara tetaplah saudara....dilahirkan Dr ibu dan bapak yg sama...maka darah saudaramu juga sama denganmu...sudah sepatutnya saling mengingatkan....saling membantu... saling bergandengan tangan......karena sesungguhnya saudaramu jauh di lubuk hatinya akan juga mendoakan mu.....

Ketika kau menjadi kaya...saudaramu tdk akan meminta hartamu tapi dg bangga dia akan berkata..pada semua orang "lihatlah...saudaraku sudah jadi orang kaya"......

Yang jadi ujian adl ketika saudaramu terpuruk....akankah kalian meninggalkan atau melambaikan tanganmu utk merengkuhnya???.

Coba tanya hatimu sendiri....Karena saudara bkn hanya perkara harta, bkn pula masalah yang bermartabat atau tidak

bukan pula masalah siapa yg dekat pada Sang Pencipta atau tidak..... tapi ini masalah hati😥.

Ingatlah....belum tentu saudaramu yg terpuruk akan selamanya terpuruk.....tak pasti juga dia yg sekarang jd orang brutal esok juga akan tetap sama....

Dan belum tentu yg skrg kaya akan selamanya kaya...yang skrg alim akan tetap alim..

Krn hanya Tuhanlah yg tahu.

Jagalah saudaramu selagi ada....dalam keadaan apapun...
Karena kelak dia juga akan menjagamu....
walau pun hanya lewat doa.

Dan jadikan diantara kamu dan  saudaramu saling menghargai,bukan saling membenci, karena kamu satu ayah satu ibu.
